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Hole Four

Par 4,Yards 410,Stroke Index 6

Hole Four

Par 4, Yards 410, Stroke Index 6

Pro's tip

Before the course was modified, re-measured and reassessed in 1998 this was the stroke one and is still every bit a testing par 4 hole.  The tee shot has to be of good length to avoid the waiting hazards; bunker to the left, a small plantation of trees, and grass mound to the right. Anywhere short of the mark forces a decision; risk a less than perfect second to the uphill fairway, or play short of the very large cross fairway bunker and risk a less than accurate pitch to the green.

Either way the green is significantly higher that the fairway making club choice difficult.  The green is protected by grass mounds right and a front left bunker. A bank to the rear of the green can make any chip back more difficult. Any advantage gained on the third with the prevailing wind is certainly reversed here.

Andrew Cory
Andrew Cory
PGA Professional